Powa – Transference of Conciousness Puja
Please see puja timetable for dates and times
(35 – 40 minutes)
Through practising transference of consciousness – known as ‘powa’ – with faith, compassion and concentration, we can transfer the consciousness of those recently deceased to a higher rebirth or to the Pure Land of a Buddha. The Powa Ceremony can be done either by a group of practitioners or individually on behalf of one or more deceased persons, or countless deceased beings. By engaging in this practice we also create a great collection of virtue, which will also lead us into the pathway to a Buddha’s Pure Land.
We use the prayer booklet, ‘Powa Ceremony,’ for this puja. If you want to buy your own copy you can purchase it online – https://tharpa.com/uk/powa-ceremony-booklet.html
An electronic verson of the booklet is available as well as the paper version.