A beautiful gift for future generations
“A Temple is one of the best ways of benefiting other living beings – it is the best form of public service.”
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
The International Temples Projectwas founded by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso with the vision to create a Kadampa Buddhist Temple in every major city in the world.
Its aim is to introduce the Buddhist Faith of the New Kadampa Tradition publicly and in particular to exemplify Buddhist practice through public service.
Pure Lands in our troubled world
Kadampa Buddhist Temples take many forms.
Some are custom built according to a special design developed by Geshe Kelsang based on traditional Buddhist architecture, such as the Mother Temple at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre in England and the Temples in New York, and São Paulo.
Others are adapted from existing buildings acquired for Kadampa Meditation Centers around the world, such as the Temples in Toronto, Le Mans, Berlin, Zurich, Texas, and Melbourne.
Yet others are incorporated within Hotel Kadampas, such as those in Málaga.
Whatever form they take, Kadampa Temples are holy places open to everyone to enjoy. They are Pure Lands in our troubled world – offering doorways to inner peace for all who visit them.
”Whenever anyone, Buddhist or not, sees a Temple or an image of Buddha they receive blessings.” Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso
For more information about the International Temples Project, including ways you can help, visit www.kadampatemples.org.