Removing Negativity: Vajrasattva Empowerment Day
Blessing Empowerment
In-Person @Burnley KBC & Livestreamed Online
Sat 3 April 2021 10am – 4.30pm
(available for 48 hours after on catch up)
This empowerment, with introduction and teachings, is a wonderful opportunity to start relying upon Vajrasattva, the Buddha of purification, and learn a special meditation to free ourself from all of our negative karma.
We spend all our time and energy trying to avoid problems by making changes to our external world. However, our unhappiness and difficulties are not caused by the external world but are the result of the negative karma we have created in the past through our own harmful actions.
By relying upon Vajrasattva, the Buddha of purification, and practising a special meditation, we can free ourselves from all our negative karma. As a result, all our experiences will be positive; we will have a peaceful, pure mind; and will easily remove obstacles to our spiritual development.
The cost for the empowerment day only is £25 (Members £20).

Gen Päljin is also the Resident Teacher of Buddha Land Kadampa Buddhist Centre, Keighley. He is a Buddhist monk with over 20 years’ experience of practising and teaching Buddhist meditation.
Saturday 3 April
10am – 12.15pm – Vajrasattva Empowerment
12.15pm – 1.45pm – Lunch Break
1.45pm – 3.15pm – Teaching
3.15pm – 3.45pm – Break
3.45pm – 4.30pm – Vajrasattva Chanted Prayers & Guided Meditation
Please click on the appropriate button to book your place.
In Person
Should you wish to make any donations towards the purchase of offerings for the empowerment table, please use the buttons below. If you want to contribute something in particular, please let us know in the ‘Comments’ box.
Burnley Kadampa Buddhist Centre, Brunside Mill, Parker St, Burnley, Lancashire, BB11 1AR, UK.
Burnley Kadampa Buddhist Centre has a ground floor cafe/shop and meditation room.
The centre is open on Wed and Sat 10am til 2pm. For Saturday morning courses the centre is open from 9.45am.
Getting there
The Centre is located on Parker Street in the centre of Burnley close to Charter Walk Shopping Centre and the Next store.
It is 5min walk from Burnley Central Train Station and 12min walk from Burnley Bus Station.
Parking is easily accessible in local car parks from 2 to 5 min walk away, while short stay on-street parking is available outside our door. On-street parking is unrestricted after 5pm and on Sundays.
Car Parking charges vary considerably in the different car parks: